The Revolutionary

A Person-To-Person Renting Ecosystem

At Rentathon we want to create a social platform that allows millions of users to borrow items of their choosing within seconds. Sometimes the inconvenience of buying something expensive or for temporary use is an unneeded hassle. Renting items can save money on objects that are only needed for one-time use or are simply not worth buying. 

One niche market where we have observed this to be prevalent in is the photography market. Photography equipment is extremely expensive and costly for beginners, and a community-based rental system between members could greatly alleviate costs for this expensive hobby. Rentathon was founded in September of 2019 by Ayush Pai, Krish Asknani, and Alex Kranias. 

Rentathon Meets With US Congressman

May 28, 2021 

Team Rentathon met with Congressman Gus Bilirakis to talk about the rental platform that we are developing. Mr. Bilirakis stated that it is an excellent idea and awarded our team with the Advancing Community Development award. We want to continue to develop great relationships with congressional members as we expand across the USA!

Rentathon Wins Congressional Award

April 16, 2021 

When asked what inspired the creation of Rentathon: The Renting App, the students said, “As teenagers with a limited income and a passion for photography, we alone cannot afford new equipment. Therefore, we were inspired to create Rentathon.”

Rentathon was selected as the Congressional App Challenge (CAC) winner for Florida District 12. Over 6,500 students registered for the 2020 Congressional App Challenge and with winning products from across the country, Rentathon was represented at the CAC #HouseOfCode - a student demo day typically bolstering keynotes from Members of Congress and national STEM organizations and the ability for students to demonstrate their apps for their Member of Congress and the broader DC Tech community.

Top Company At Synapse Summit

February 12, 2020 

At the annual Synapse Summit in Tampa Bay in Amalie Arena, Rentathon was recognized as one of the top 7 companies at the Summit with over 7,200 attendees, and 300 companies. We were also recognized as one of the youngest founders present at the conference. Tampa Bay Inno is one of the largest Business Technology Journals that report in the Tampa Bay Area.