What if my product is damaged or stolen by a renter?

Rentathon has an extremely strict terms and conditions that prohibits any users from damaging or stealing any rented item. If these terms are broken, Rentathon has the right to immediately charge the users credit card for the full value of the product. Rentathon also prohibits the use of Visa gift cards or any other type of gift card as they may only have limited money.

Click Here to See the Terms of Service

How can I contact Rentathon support for any issues through the process?

Users can contact Rentathon support through this website or through their local community forum.

How can I trust users on Rentathon?

Each user will have 2 ratings, one based on activity and one based on past rentals. Past rentees and renters would all get a chance to rate a person and this rating would comprise the past rental rating. The activity rating would be calculated based on activity in the forums. Through this system we are able to provide an accurate rating for all of our members.

Can I rent and rent out items on the website?

As of right now, this feature is unfortunately not available but we are looking to implement this as soon as possible.

How can I contact Rentathon support for any issues through the process?

Users can contact Rentathon support through this website or through their local community forum.